
Sunday, October 12, 2008

Impact on Human Rights of Private Military and Security Companies’ Activities

There has been a remarkable expansion, in the last 20 years, of private military and security companies providing services in zones of low-intensity armed conflict and post-conflict situations such as Afghanistan, the Balkans, Colombia, the Congo, Iraq, Somalia or Sudan. These transnational private companies can provide logistics, combat or combat related security training and intelligence as well as tactically military capability in the middle of a war zone. Three groups of countries may be involved in the activities carried out by transnational PMSC: exporting countries supplying private military and security services; importing countries demanding such services, and states of PMSC staff nationality, often from developing countries furnishing cheap labor to the transnational private military and security companies.


I have linked below to one of my first articles on here about Patrick Mercer MP and his links to many of these Private mercenary companies.

Read here...

1 comment:

  1. It’s said that Patrick Mercer was a member of a highly-secret Army unit while serving in Northern Ireland. Mr Mercer said he was an officer commanding G3 section, which dealt with the planning of operations and he had a huge amount of contact with the G2 intelligence services which included the notorious FRU.

    He served nine tours in Northern Ireland with about half with his regiment and the others were in "different roles" of which he said he had an aptitude for it and was frequently called upon. He had a great deal of experience in that field and when that is the case you get called upon, he said.

    Mr Mercer said he doubted Saddam Hussein had the capability to deliver WMD and he doubted that there were links between Iraq and terrorists. Patrick Mercer, was chairman of the Commons defence committee, and privy to intelligence briefings from the Ministry of Defence. The intelligence chiefs added: "Any collapse of the Iraqi regime would increase the risk of chemical and biological warfare technology or agents finding their way into the hands of terrorists, including al-Qaida." However, in spite of the increased risk to the UK population he voted for war by "all means necessary" because he was supposedly convinced of Iraq’s links to global terrorism.

    Mr Mercer added "If we want peace, we must vote for war," but I think he knew that war by all means unnecessary would bring us death and destruction, for year to come, so why change his opinion and vote for war?

    You bring into question Patrick Mercer’s links to many Private mercenary companies and say he is now a Security Consultant to The Olive Group. It was said that western security firms are behind the upsurge of violence in Iraq and that security firms see Iraq's stability as being against their strategic interests.

    So, the question your rhetoric brings to my mind is whether or not Mr Mercer had any financial incentive to vote in accordance with the strategic interests of security firms? All the time he seems to support the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, he wants more bayonets, more boots and medals, more young men and now women to fight and die in a war we never can win, and it’s Vietnam all over again with billions of taxpayers money given to defence contractors’ and security firms.

    Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. (Dwight D. Eisenhower)


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